
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

While I was pregnant I spent most of my time on Pinterest looking through all of the different baby related pins. I came across the shadow box. This is like a big picture frame that showcases everything memorable from when your baby was a newborn. It could include anything from hospital bracelets, hospital hat, first outfit, or any other small items you wanted to have on display. I thought this was a cute idea to be able to look back at, especially since they start to grow so quickly. Now I wasn't so fond of the shadow box idea since I wanted to be able to include literally all of Honor's "first's" and other memorable things; so I needed something bigger and better... 

I ended up finding these cute boxes at Michaels while I was shopping there with my dad for some stuff I needed for the baby shower. I saw these on sale for 50% off! Can't beat $6 for the small box & $9 for the big... And they're adorable?!... So perfect!

In the small box I keep:
  • My two positive pregnancy tests (yes I kept them!!)
  • All sonogram pictures
  • 3D sonogram DVD & Photo Albums
  • Maternity Photo-shoot CD
  • Baby Shower invitation 

In the big box I keep:
  • Honor's Hospital Postpartum Packet
  • Hospital Ink Footprints
  • Birth Certificate (& Some other important papers)
  • Hospital Blanket she was swaddled in
  • Umbilical Cord Clamp (We would of kept her actual umbilical cord as well, but it fell off somewhere in our room and we think Bentley ended up eating it! So gross!!)
  • Hospital Beanie
  • Hospital bracelets - for all three of us
  • Newborn Diaper
  • Tickets to her first padre game
  • Tickets for her first trip to the movies
  • 2-month Handprint & Footprint molds (Yes Bentley's is in there too! Lol)
  • Honor's picture book (Which will end up in its own box once I get more)

I think that keeping all of these memories stored in a cute little box will be great for Honor to look back at once she gets older, plus it’s much cuter than the normal plastic storage boxes. I know that growing up my mom didn’t do that great of a job keeping things like this together, so I made it a point to be able to do so for Honor.

Hope you all enjoy and get inspired to do something fun and neat like this for your little ones, if you haven’t already! <3


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