Bittersweet Moment ...

Thursday, August 29, 2013

     Summer finally started to kick in here in San Diego, and it has been so hot and sticky it's almost unbearable. Yea, yea... It's only been in the low-high 80's which is really not THAT bad, considering its way hotter in other places... But it’s still hot nonetheless and most certainly a time I wish we had air conditioning!! Our "high speed" fans are just not cutting it at all... Nothing annoys me more than trying to go to sleep at night and sweating at the same time. Has to be the most irritating thing ever!

     Anyways, since it’s been so hot at night (especially in our room), we've been so concerned about Honor and how hot it is when she's sleeping... It's been quite the task on figuring out how to keep her cool, swaddled and sleeping comfortably in her bassinet during these hot summer nights. 

     Since she's been swaddled every night since day one, it's been hard continuing that because she ends up drenched in sweat within 30 minutes. We've been trying to come up with ways we could get her to sleep without the swaddle, but she ends up scaring herself awake by her arms and legs... I’ve tried having her sleep on my chest, but that still made us both sweat, and it was extremely uncomfortable for me... Finally, we decided that for the sake of a cooler sleeping situation for all of us, it was time for her to start sleeping in her crib! Let me first just say; I tried my best to come up with every excuse there was to prevent this new sleeping arrangement from happening… But obviously it was for the best. Her nursery is one of the slightly cooler rooms in the house, and most comfortable with a fan on, so there she went. I almost feel like I'm rushing her to grow up by having her sleep like a "big girl" in her own room at only 3 months! 

     So this past Sunday we did our normal bedtime routine... bath, and feeding. Once she fell asleep I swaddled her and rocked her back to a deep sleep, then placed her in her crib.
I made sure that I turned her monitor on and she had a nightlight on so that it's not completely dark for her. Partially closing her door, I walked back into our room and turned her baby monitor on... This was by far the most bittersweet moment yet. 

     Much to my surprise, she slept as normal as ever, just as if she was in her bassinet next to me. I thought I was going to be getting up every few hours trying to console her back to sleep, but really I was consoling myself, lol! She really couldn't tell the difference between the bassinet and her crib. In fact, she sleeps much better in her crib, which is a good thing... But still bittersweet for me! 

     We're now going on the fifth night of her sleeping in her crib and it’s been like nothing ever changed, and I think I should be thankful it is that way. It's much easier for me to deal with "separation anxiety", than for her to deal with that as a baby/toddler.

(Side note: she slept in her crib last night [8-28-13] for more than 8 hours!! That’s a whole new “record” for her, as she averages between 5 and a half to 7 hours.)

     I remember saying when I was pregnant how I was only going to have her in the same room as us up until she was three months, because I'm not one for co-sleeping, personally, and what not... But I never expected it to be as hard as it was for me to move her to her nursery. I've had mixed opinions from many different people saying to not let her sleep on her own, and others saying its best I start her this early so I don't have to worry about moving her out later on... and although it was extremely tough for me, and STILL is, I know that I will be happy to have established this now verses battling it when she's older and only wants to sleep with mommy and daddy... I know my future self will be thanking me later!

My little caterpillar is growing up too fast!
Doesn’t she look like a little caterpillar?! <3

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