Honor gets her ears pierced!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The day had finally come as we were so anxious to get Honor's ears pierced from the moment she was born. After her 8week check up and first set of shots, we got the OK from her pediatrician to get them pierced. 

We took her to Claire's at Plaza Bonita, and I was so nervous for her as we walked upstairs. I kept looking at her little happy content face, and started to feel so guilty for what we were about to do to her. I just kept thinking, "I'm supposed to protect her, not make her cry..." As always, Sean thought I was over reacting and kept reassuring me that I would love the outcome and be glad we did it. 

So as Sean was filling out the release form, I un-strapped Honor from her seat and picked her up. The girl doing the piercing's explained to me how I needed to hold her so she wouldn't move. So as she was placing the marks of where the earrings would go, she mentioned how amazing Honor was doing by sitting so still. Sean and I laughed because it was only a matter of time before that changed. 

The girl began to unpackage the earrings and cleaned and sterilized her ears. As I held Honor so tight and close to me, she placed the piercing gun in line with the mark and shot the earring right through! It took about 4 seconds of initial shock and then there came the hollering cry. The little audience of teenagers stood there awe-ing at her as her cute little face cried. After the second ear was done, Honor cried for just a little bit longer as I cleaned her newly pierced ears. 

Once we were done I flipped her over in my arms, cradled her, and gave her a bottle we had ready to go. The minute she knew I was giving her food she immediately stopped crying and went on like nothing ever happened. 

In the midst of recording it all, Sean was so smitten by her new little look. 

I couldn't be any happier that we got them done. The nervousness I had felt before hand was all worth it in the end... Besides, it all only lasted like less than a minute!

Right before…

And after…

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh. My little girl cried the same way. It hurts but it is so quick and I love little girls in earrings. Honor looks so pretty
