
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Many of you may know that I have never been too fond of co-sleeping. Though there is nothing wrong with it, and it works for some people, I always felt that it wasn’t “for us”… Well, all of that had changed when Honor began not sleeping so well in her crib. For some reason that we don’t know, she was constantly waking up every 10-20 minutes, and I was finding myself getting up and out of bed more than I would of preferred. None of us were getting the adequate sleep we needed when she was sleeping on her own in her crib… so after I hit my “breaking point” I gave in and we moved you into our bed. After doing that, I still was pretty against it for the most part in the beginning, even though Sean was absolutely loving it…

Well, now it has been about close to two months, and we are still co-sleeping, and now I have become so in love with this! (Who would have thought)

Honor has been sleeping 8-9.5 hours STRAIGHT ever since we moved her in here. I am sure you can imagine how ecstatic I am that we are all getting the sleep we need!

Aside from it being a comfort thing for Honor to be sleeping with us, it has also become a comfort thing for me as well. Now that she is right next to us, I am sleeping much more peacefully than I did when she was in her own room – more so because I feel that she is safe with us and I can keep a close eye on her.

I know that co-sleeping isn’t for everyone, but I can say that if you fellow mommies out there are having difficulty with keeping your little ones asleep in their own cribs, give co-sleeping a shot! You never know, you just may end up loving it just like us! Plus, I see it as soaking up all of the time I have with her at this young age!


Honors Boutique

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Hey everyone! I just recently started up a new instagram page called @honors_boutique. Here I am selling all of the clothes, shoes, etc. she no longer fits in. Those will vary in brand new, or worn less than a few times. I am also in the works of getting my Etsy shop put together, where I will be selling handmade accessories and other cute little things. In the meantime, check out our boutique on instangram!

Hope to see you guys there!

Homemade Baby Food

First I want to start off by acknowledging how terrible I am with not posting as frequently as I should be. So please forgive me!

However, for those of you who follow me on Instagram may know, I had my first go at making homemade baby food last week... While I was so proud of myself for being Susie homemaker, I thought Honor was about to just dive into what I had prepared her. Well.... I was totally WRONG, lol! 

After introducing her to oatmeal as her first solid food, I kept her on that first for a good few weeks to a month. After doing some research on how to make homemade baby food, I decided to try making greens beans as her first green vegetable. I went on to boil them first ( since I didn't have a steamer), then blended them in a blender along with the water I boiled it in. Now since this was my first time making it, I'd say it turned out ok for the most part, but I wasn't too thrilled with it, and as I mentioned, Honor wasn't too pleased with it either. 

I tried feeding the green beans to her a second time, and this time I added a little bit of puréed pear to it... But that didn't work either. So I pretty much laid off the green beans for the rest of the week. 

A week later, my mom had actually bought me a steamer and food processor since she knew I wasn't too pleased with my other method of making her food. So this week, I was even more excited to make her some more food with my new little appliances! I decided to get her some butternut squash, carrots, and sweet potato to try (NOT all within the same week though. Just preparing for future feedings). First, I just want to say, having a steamer and processor makes life so much easier when you want to make homemade baby food! It made both the squash and carrots EXACTLY how I wanted and pictured... And actually LOOKED like baby food unlike the green beans (which was more choppy looking and less of a purée texture). 

After I finished making her food, I stored them accordingly, leaving out two little jars of the squash for the next two days for feedings. 

Now I'm sure most of you moms know when making homemade baby food, it's important to label them all with expiration dates. This is helpful for the food stored in the fridge as well as the freezer. Now frozen baby food is good for three months from the date made-granted, it is properly stored. Baby food kept in the fridge must be consumed within 72 hours of being made and placed in there. So generally it's best to only set aside what you know you have baby eat right away otherwise just thaw out the next meal over night in the fridge, or submerged in warm water. 

Anywho, with that being said, here are a few videos of Honor trying out my homemade baby food. 

Also, here is the steamer and food processor I used to make the squash and carrots. Both can be found at well as the containers and storing system I used. Links are with the pictures! :) 

Black and Decker Food Processor
Find it Here!

Steamer Pot
(this isn’t the exact one I have, but it is very similar)
Find it Here!

Infantino Fresh Squeezed Station
Find it Here!

Baby Bullet Storage System
(These containers are so cute to me and I LOVE them!!)
Find it Here!

Hope you guys enjoy, and I hope to inspire you to make homemade baby food!