my pregnancy experience

As many of you may know, Honor was both Sean and I's first baby together and most of all in general. We both decided we were ready to start a family together; well more like "expand" since we consider Bentley as our first/practice "baby". I didn't think I would get pregnant so quickly after being on the pill for about 6 years. Much to my surprise we found out I was pregnant with Honor less than a month after I was birth control free. 

We both didn't know what to expect with the pregnancy since it was a brand new experience for the both of us. I was so afraid of all of the symptoms and body changes that come with pregnancy; I practically forgot to enjoy the moment. 

I had a pretty easy and smooth pregnancy and I couldn't be more thankful for it. Nausea worked its fine magic in my first trimester, which made it difficult for me to really eat anything. Any strong scented foods would make me nauseas and absolutely nothing ever sounded good. I think the only thing I could really live off of was wings n things' buffalo chicken salad! (Super random right?!) Although I was nauseas a majority of the time, I never experienced bad morning sickness to where I had to vomit. (Thank you Jesus!)

Being lazy and sleeping a lot was pretty much all the excitement I had in my first trimester. I remember asking my friends who have had kids if it was normal because not having energy or the desire to do anything was really affecting my day-to-day routines. Plus Sean didn't find my laziness too appealing.

They say "it gets better in the second trimester"... And guess what?! It most definitely did! My energy levels were back up and I was feeling like my old self again, just with a bun in the oven. Since I started to feel back to normal, I got the ok from my OBGYN to start working out again -- in moderation of course. So back in the gym I went. 

As my pregnancy progressed I tried my best to stay active and fit. I wanted to make sure that I prepped myself for an easy labor (they say exercise helps the labor process) and quick bounce back after birth. But as my belly started to grow more and more I found myself giving in to cravings and laziness (once again) more often than intended. On the days that I felt the most energy was when I would go on walks with Bentley and hit the gym. 

By my third trimester my belly doubled in size! Although I was getting bigger and more uncomfortable, thankfully it didn't affect my sleep! Everyone told me to pretty much enjoy it while it lasted because once she's here, sleep will become obsolete. Boy, was everyone right! I think the one thing that helped me relax the most was the nightly massages Sean gave me :)... I definitely look forward to those every night! (I totally still get them too! Thanks honey!

As I write this and reflect back on my entire experience I consider myself one of the lucky few who had it pretty easy. No morning sickness, no sleepless nights, and best of all... NO stretch marks!!! ::Aaaahhhhhh:: Being pregnant sure was fun and of course tiring at times. But the excitement of feeling little kicks and jabs and wondering what baby will look like and be like makes it all worth it in the end. 

Becoming a mom is most definitely a life changing experience. Despite the body changes we go through and some we may not like, could never take away the joy you feel when you look at the little human being you've created. No woman has truly lived until they have had the blessing of becoming a mom. When you get that first smile, giggle, or even punch in the face, you can't help but love it all! 

Take a look at some pictures from throughout my pregnancy:

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.


  1. I must say, I'm pretty jealous of the "no stretch marks" comment. Lol.
    But your blog is soooo cute! Congratulations!

    1. Awe, thank you so so much!! Thank you for reading! :)
