all about honor

You’re Eight Months! 


Eight Months!! My goodness, I can't believe how quickly you're approaching 1 year! I'm so blown away by how fast it all has gone by, but I love seeing you grow, and change day by day. 

Here’s this month’s latest:

·       You're OFFICIALLY Crawling!!!!! Holy Moly!
·       You have two bottom teeth coming in quickly, and should be cutting through pretty soon. (about time!)
·       You have seem to become quite the rebel, and test your boundaries quite often with us
·       You have mastered the art of clapping, and LOVE to do it all of the time
·       You love to waive "Hi" to yourself in the mirror
·       You like homemade spinach baby food, but for some reason can't stand broccoli
·       You love playing peek-a-boo with me while sitting in your car seat when daddy drives
·       You love to play with everything you CAN'T have... (i.e. cell phones, cords, earphones, anything to that extent)
·       You have learned to pet Bentley on your own, and he still loves to smother you with kisses! You still love pulling his tail too, I'm sure he's not too appreciative of that.
        You now sit in high chairs at restaurants!

Here’s to another month of your amazing growth! You continue to make us laugh with your spunky, goofy, silly, personality, and you blow us away with your subtle beauty! We couldn't be any luckier!

You love watching Bubble Guppies!

Weekend Mornings with Daddy

We've lowered your crib, and now you can see over the top!!

You love playing with our phones, and seem to know how to work it

Kisses from Daddy

Walks to the post office with me

Baby Jail

Happy 8 months to you caterpillar! 

Mommy & Daddy

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