all about honor

You're 9 Months Old!


You just hit your 9th month! You are full of personality, spunk, and my list could go on and on… It honestly feels like just yesterday I brought you into this world, and now you’re just under 3 months away from being the big O N E! It pains me to even fathom the thought that your first birthday is around the corner (in a good way of course) when I am not ready for you to begin your journey growing up!

That being said, here is your 9-months latest:

·       You are one crawling machine!!! You love exploring your surroundings and getting into things that aren’t so “baby safe”, but all the while having fun doing so.
·       You loving chatting with us, and you religiously say “da-da” alllllll the time! When are you going to say “mama”?! lol
·       At your checkup, you weighed in at 18.7 lbs, and 27 ¾ inches.
·       Here’s the biggest – latest achievement of them all … YOU NOW HAVE TWO BOTTOM TEETH!! And two of your top ones are starting to make their way through.
·       You have mastered the art of standing yourself up all on your own.
·       You love being a bully to Bentley… he’s not that fond of it; but he does like playing with you.
·       You have learned how to give Kisses on command!!! This is both mommy and daddy’s new favorite thing you do! We ask for kisses ALL OF THE TIME!
·       You have grasped the concept of the word “NO” … and you sure don’t like hearing it!
·       You really like Zucchini.
·       You have started to eat more and more “real” solids and loving every minute of it. Anytime you see something we eat, you have to have some too.

Your personality continues to grow and brightens us up on a daily basis. You do some of the most cutest/funny things; and when we get it on camera, we can watch thousands of times and literally laugh every single time as if it just happened!

I am excited to see you continue to come into your own ways!

Daddy loves taking selfies with you.

By far one of my favorite pictures of you!

You and Grandpa.

Gummy smiles.

Before your teeth cut through.

First day we got your Amber teething necklace.

Waiting at the Doctors for your 9-month checkup.

First time having gerber graduates puffs.

For some reason, the wall, pillows, and headboard are so interesting to you.

Your first throwback thursday picture.

Your first "big-girl" bath.

Daddy's girl... (only sometimes, lol).

Your first time in a swing!

Happy 9 months Caterpillar!

Mommy & Daddy

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