all about honor

You're 6 Months Old!


You just hit your 6-month mark of life! It has been so crazy to see how much you have grown & changed, every single day. Time is definitely working against me because I feel like you’re going to be a teenager in no time! You continue to amaze your dad and I, and we can’t tell you enough how much we love you and how much joy you bring to us every single day.

With that being said, here is your 6-months latest:

·       You sleep 9 hours straight plus another two after your 5am feeding (granted, this is in mommy and daddy’s bed)
·       You are getting better at putting your paci in your mouth all on your own. 
·       You LOVE to make sure that your bedtime routine happens right at 7:30pm on the dot! If we go over that designated time, you gladly let us know who’s the boss!
·       I like to think of you as my "bestfriend" – especially since we are together all day every day
·       You hate letting me shower peacefully in the mornings… you love to fuss until you see me turn the water off – then you give me a huge smile from ear to ear
·       You are really liking the homemade baby foods I have been preparing for you
·       You have tried your very first fruit – a Persimmon
·       Bentley makes you laugh from time to time

I feel like time is slipping between my fingers with how quickly you are growing up, and I couldn’t be more fortunate enough to be able to stay at home and raise you during these important milestones you are quickly achieving. Just remember that I cherish all of these moments with you!

Your first Halloween! Molly from Bubble Guppies.

HONOR-roll student in the making!

Always so happy


Our little snow bunny.

Bentley wanted to join you in your morning photo shoot sessions.

Persimmon - your first fruit!

Happy 6 months Caterpillar!


Mommy & Daddy

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