all about honor

You’re One Month!

Baby Girl,
You are one month old!! Your daddy and I can’t believe how quickly these four weeks of you being on this earth has quickly gone by! You have been a pretty easy-going, and you rarely cry, but when you do I try to listen to different tones to start pinning them to specific things you want or need. Although you are very alert for being so new, you do sleep a majority of the time.

Here’s a little about you in your first month…

·       You really hate and don’t care for tummy time.
·       You have caught on to routines very well.
·       You sleep on average 3-4 hours and are always ready for a feeding when you wake up.
·       You love sleeping on Daddy’s chest.
·       Car rides always soothe you to sleep… You seem to love the serene noise and feel of the car.
·       You and your “big-brother” seem to be getting along amazingly well… He runs to your side if he hears you cry!
·       You are still tiny as ever, and newborn clothes and diapers are still a bit loose on you.
·       You’re not much of a fan of sitting next to the chalkboard for a progress picture.
·       You love your paci, and every bottle-feeding puts you right to sleep.
·       One thing that I have loved watching when you feed, is seeing your eyelashes grow everyday – its pretty amazing to see them get longer and longer.

·       Bath time is something new to you, but you seem to enjoy it for now… you’re small enough to fit in the sink!

Your first car ride home

The tiniest thing ever …

You are his pride and joy!

First night home, and your “big-brother” is already making sure to be by your side.

You made a BIG mess out of your diaper this day – which called for a sink-bath!

Happy One-Month Caterpillar!
Mommy & Daddy

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